When Is Shingles Contagious?

If you are wondering when is shingles contagious? You would have to answer that question based on the details of your case. Shingles, like chicken pox, is caused by a virus called the varicella-zoster virus (VZV). VZV is one of the most common causes of severe infections such as shingles.

Shingles, in this way, could be thought to be contagious even though the incubation period – the time from infection to full development of the rash and painful blisters – is between two and three weeks. And although there is no hard and fast rule regarding the sexually active adult’s risk factors for contracting shingles, an active sexual relationship of an infected person to another could potentially expose him or her to the disease. Moreover, since shingles is often caused by chicken pox, and this disease can also lead to chickenpox outbreak in some susceptible individuals at later stages in their lives, the infection’s contagious nature might influence the time when it is applicable.

In order to answer the question: when is shingles contagious? an accurate diagnosis of the condition should be made so as to establish its exact cause. A medical professional specializing in infectious diseases should be consulted for confirmation. For instance, if a patient complains of fever with yellowish appearance and pain in the shoulder, a rash might develop on the patient’s body. Since these can be signs of other diseases, it is wise to have the patient checked by a doctor to confirm the presence of shingles.

If one is in doubt of the answer to the question: when is shingles contagious, then the next question that needs to be addressed is how one can avoid contracting the disease through contact with a possible infected individual. Theoretically, one can avoid contracting the illness through avoiding direct contact with an infected person. However, there is a great chance of developing shingles through indirect contact, such as sharing towels, razors, clothes and bedding. These things can indeed infect a person with shingles, making it extremely difficult to avoid infection.

When asking how long does it take before a person develops shingles through contact, the answer to the question: when is shingles contagious? is not easy to provide since the incubation period of the disease is unknown. Some people can easily develop the illness a few weeks after coming into contact with an infected individual, while others might suffer from the symptoms for several months or even years before showing any signs of the illness.

For those who are plagued by questions like, “how long does it take before I get shingles?” or “do I have to have shingles before I can develop symptoms?” may wonder about the effectiveness of certain shingles treatment options. There are actually several alternative treatments available, ranging from prescription medications to natural shingles remedies. When looking into these possibilities, it is best to consult a doctor so that the best course of action can be taken.

Since there is no definite answer to the question, “How long does it take before I get shingles?” medical professionals have created a checklist of symptoms that are likely to indicate that one has been infected with the disease. While the list is not comprehensive, it provides a glimpse into the illness and what signs to look for. These symptoms include sudden itching, blisters, warmness, burning sensations, headache, flu-like symptoms and pain in the joints. If any of these signs are present, it is time to schedule an appointment with the doctor to confirm the diagnosis. From there, the patient can decide if they want to pursue shingles cure through medications, natural remedies or a combination of both.

While the exact answer to the question, “How long does it take before I get shingles?” will never be known for sure, it is important to know that the disease is not contagious between people who have never been exposed to the virus. However, when the condition is acquired, it is possible for the virus to be passed on from one person to another. This is why it is crucial to remember that shingles is not easily contracted through air. The only way to become infected is through skin-to-skin contact.

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